
33 epic 4WD tracks in WA

Western Australia is incredible. There’s some of the best beaches, scenery and 4WD Tracks in the country and for this reason, thousands of people are out there every day exploring our great state. If you have a 4WD, …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Jul 21 2021

Jul 21 2021

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Western Australia is incredible. There’s some of the best beaches, scenery and 4WD Tracks in the country and for this reason, thousands of people are out there every day exploring our great state. If you have a 4WD, you’ve got access to the best of the best spots. There are hundreds of amazing 4WD tracks in WA, but here are 33 truly epic ones to get you started!

Some are easy with incredible views, and others should only be attempted by experienced 4WDers with extremely well set up vehicles. Do me a favour, and share this around with your responsible mates, and look after these brilliant tracks. I’ve sorted them by tracks near Perth, then south of Perth and then north of Perth.

How many have you done?

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Duke of Orleans 4WD Tracks

4WD tracks near Perth

Mundaring Powerlines Track (39km E of Perth)

If there’s one 4WD track near Perth that everyone knows about, its the Mundaring Powerlines Track. This starts just out of Mundaring, and has everything from rocks, ruts, sand, mud, dust and water. It’s a lot of fun all year round, but I will make a point of mentioning the need for good tyres after rain, and to check the water depths before you drive through them.

This track has done extensive damage to a lot of 4WD’s, mainly through the mud runs and water crossings. Some are well over a metre deep, and will write your vehicle off if you get stuck. In the dry this track is relatively easy if you take the easier options (the chicken tracks, as they get called!). In the wet, sometimes its impassable by all but some pretty seriously decked out 4WD’s.

You can do the track in reverse if you please, and there are lots of different entry and exit points if you want to start or stop at different locations. Unless you’ve done it before, I wouldn’t be going without a second vehicle.

If you want to know more, check out the Mundaring Powerlines Track.

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Mundaring Powerlines Track

By far the most popular 4WD track near Perth with everything from mud to sand, rocks and water

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Mundaring Powerlines Track

Captain Fawcett Track (124km SE of Perth)

Not far out of Dwellingup lies the Captain Fawcett Track which runs through to Quindanning. It follows the Murray river, and is a picturesque track with a number of spots you can stop along the track. This track gets closed depending on rainfall and track conditions, and you are asked to heed the advice.

You can camp along the track in a few locations, and its right near the river, with no one around and zero facilities. This can also be done in reverse, and there’s lots of fun to be had at Lane Poole Reserve when you are done!

If you want to know more, have a read of this; Captain Fawcett Track.

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Captain Fawcett Track

Lennard track (193km S of Perth)

Not far from Collie, and right next to Honeymoon Pool camp ground is the gate where the Lennard Track starts. This is a fairly easy track with exception of one hill climb near the end that can be quite slippery. There are a few places you can stop along a pristine river, with some pretty amazing scenery. Again, if there is a lot of rain and the track deteriorates this is closed with the main gate padlocked shut. Please respect it.

Camping is not permitted along the track. If you want more information, read The Lennard Track.

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On the Lennard 4WD Track

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Big 80 Series Flex

Harvey Dam (143km S of Perth)

There’s a lot of good 4WD tracks around the Dams south of Perth. Harvey is no exception, with some of the biggest, sloppiest mud runs and hill climbs you’ll find around. Camping is not permitted in the area, but it is a great place to check out for the day when its wet, or dry. Some of these 4WD tracks are extreme, and should not be attempted without the right 4WD and gear.

You can drive from Logue Brook to Harvey Dam, but you’ll want a good GPS to get you there. The whole region is pretty spectacular bush all year round.

If you want to see some more photos of what its like, check this out; Dwellingup, Harvey and Brunswick 4WD Tracks.

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Plenty of mud at Harvey

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Hill climbs in the wet

The Holland Track (393km E of Perth)

If you are keen on a longer 4WD trip (3 – 4 days) from Perth then the Holland Track is fantastic. The 4WD section starts out of Hyden, and ends up near Coolgardie. If there’s been much rain, expect a significant amount of mud, slippery ruts and entertainment all round. There’s a lot of history on this track, and plenty of great places to camp.

Camping along the track is hugely popular, with plenty of fire wood for a nice camp fire in season. In the interest of preserving the track we avoid going in the middle of winter, and will go either just before, or after when things are drying up. In Spring you can see some great wild flowers too.

If you are chasing more information, you can read about it here – The Holland Track.

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The Holland Track

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Muddy hole on the Holland Track

4WD tracks in the south of WA

Belvidere to Binningup (155km S of Perth)

Tim’s Thicket and Preston Beach are very well known 4WD accessible beaches near Perth, but as a result of this often extremely busy. If you head a bit further south though, you’ll find Belvidere Beach, not far from the camp ground. You can drive north on the beach all the way to Binningup, tides permitting.

This beach is different, quieter and has some brilliant salmon fishing in season. It’s worth staying at the DBCA camp grounds too. To find out more, read Camping, fishing and 4WDing at Belvidere.

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Belvidere to Binningup

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Belvidere beach 4x4

3 Bears Track (260km SW of Perth)

The Three bears track remains one of my favourite 4WD tracks in WA. It’s not overly difficult, and plenty of soft roaders do the track (not advisable without a second vehicle and recovery gear!), but the scenery is fantastic and its a great way to wind an afternoon down. Some days the coastline is pristine blue and flat, and others its a raging giant. In both cases its a sight for sore eyes.

If you are into surfing, there’s a hugely popular surf break to enjoy. You’ll find the start of this track near Sugarloaf Rock, Dunsborough. To find out more, read 3 Bears Track.

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3 Bears track Yallingup

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3 Bears surf break

Bob’s Track (307km S of Perth)

Also in the south west lies Bob’s Track, just off Caves Road. This takes you onto Boranup beach, just north of Hamelin Bay and is a truly epic 4WD track. You start off with rocky limestone, then eventually work your way down to white sand and pop out on a beach that can be extremely soft.

The forest around Margaret River is absolutely stunning, and the beaches are even better. Keen to know more? Have a read of Bob’s Track in Margaret River.

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Hamelin Beach

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4WD insurance beach drivin

Yeagarup and Callcup Hill (343km S of Perth)

WA has some of the biggest sand dunes in the world. One of them is Callcup Hill; a 3 stage sand dune that a lot of people have a hard time climbing up with their 4WD’s. Yeagarup is not far from Pemberton, and is hugely popular for 4WDing, fishing and relaxing. The Warren River often flows out to the ocean here, and crossing it can be risky or impassable depending on how the river is flowing.

There’s been a few 4WD’s sunk and lost, so use your common sense. A very common tyre pressure for this area is 10 PSI; it literally is that soft. To find out more, read Yeagarup.

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Yeagarup Coastline

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Climbing Calcup Hill

West Cape Howe (437km SE of Perth)

Albany has some amazing 4WD tracks. One is around West Cape Howe, which starts just above Shelley Beach, as you drive to the lookout. You can spend a good chunk of the day out here looking around, with some pristine and very quiet beaches, along with rough coastline perfect for fishing on the weathered side. There is a fair bit of rubber matting around the place to aid track preservation, and to help people get up the more difficult sections.

The 4WD tracks are mainly soft sand, and some of the inclines require low tyre pressures and a bit of momentum. Lockers can come in handy out here as some of them tend to have big offset holes.

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Bogged Patrol Albany

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Rubber matting Albany 4x4

Waychinicup National Park (457km SE of Perth)

Another epic 4WD track in Albany is around Waychinicup National Park. You can start off and enter the back way into Cheynes Beach, and follow that along, past the caravan park and then around the national park. There is some incredible rock formations, with the tracks being relatively easy when you have the right tyre pressures.

Camping at Waychinicup DBCA site is fantastic, with an amazing, unique little lagoon. Find out more at Waychinicup National Park.

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Waychinicup National Park 4WD

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Waychinicup Inlet

Bremer Bay (480km SE of Perth)

If perfect coloured beaches are your thing, you’ll love Bremer Bay. Owning a 4WD allows you to hop from one beach, to the next, to the next and so on and so forth. There are more 4WD tracks on both sides of Bremer Bay than you could explore in a week. The beaches can be soft, and there’s a few dunes, muddy sections and rocky outcrops, but a standard 4WD with a reasonable driver won’t have any issues.

On the western side, simply hop on the main Bremer Bay beach and start driving! If you want to see more of the region, check out Christmas at Bremer Bay.

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Bremer Bay 4WD Tracks

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Bremer Bay dunes

West of Esperance (665km SE of Perth)

The Esperance 4WD Tracks are some of some of the best that you’ll find within Australia. You’ve got amazing beaches, some challenging sections and the best views you’ll see anywhere. You’ve got Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grande, Duke of Orleans, Thomas River and the list goes on.

We had a fantastic time exploring Stokes National Park on the West side. You can drive out to Skippy Rock, Torradup Inlet and heaps of other interesting and beautiful places.

The tracks are easy, and a mix between limestone rock, gravel and sand. Take a decent GPS with you, and go exploring!

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Torradup Inlet in Stokes National Park

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Stokes national Park diving

Duke of Orleans (797km SE of Perth)

Orleans Bay Caravan Park is my new favourite place for 4WD tracks. We’ve explored a number of them in the past, and have done a heap more just recently. You’ll find Duke of Orleans 90km east of Esperance, in a tiny little community surrounded by some of the best beaches in Australia. To top it off, they all face different directions so no matter what the weather is doing you can find a perfect place to escape it!

In my mind, this is the best place you can go to around Esperance by a long shot, in terms of 4WDing, fishing, boating, perfect remote beaches and places to explore. You can drive along the many soft beaches, around giant granite rocks or attempt the many hill climbs in the area. To find out more, have a read of Duke of Orleans.

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Esperance 4WD recovery

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Some of the best beaches around

Israelite Bay (902km SE of Perth)

Some 200km east of Esperance lies Israelite Bay. This can be accessed by Fisheries road; a gravel/corrugated/sandy/muddy 4WD track which skirts around a couple of big salt lakes before arriving near the Telegraph station. There’s a lot of history out here, and although its not the most pretty place you can camp for free, the fishing is great (so I’m told!) and you can visit the Bilbunya Dune system.

This is quite a remote place, and if you get stuck you are a long way away from help and regular traffic. Go with a second vehicle, or extremely prepared! Hot tip; stay as far away from the salt lakes edge as you can, or you’ll end up like me; bogged very badly miles away from any assistance! If you want to know more, read Israelite Bay Esperance.

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Fisheries Road Esperance

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Fishing from the rocks

4WD tracks in the northern part of WA

Lancelin to Wedge Island (128km NW of Perth)

The run from Lancelin to Wedge Island was a regular 4WD track for me earlier on, and we’ve done it many, many times. You start near the Lancelin Off Road area, and can drive all the way along the beach except for one headland, which you have to go around.

However, the beach here changes dramatically, and can be impassible regularly, which means you need to go inland. The problem with this is that its a practice firing range for the army, and it does get used from time to time! The sand here can be extremely soft, and difficult with ledges and nasty side angles. If the tides aren’t right, or the beach is washed away, give it a miss. In summer time, this track is usually pretty simple with the right tyre pressures. In winter though, when the beach gets washed away its a different story! If you are chasing more photos of the area, check out Lancelin to Wedge Island.

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Parked at Wedge Island

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4WD recovery

Cervantes to Hill River (199km NW of Perth)

Further up the coast lies Cervantes, a quiet little seaside town with some nice beaches and a chilled out atmosphere. You can access the beach just north of the industrial area, and drive north along it for some time until you hit Hill River. Sometimes this is flowing out to sea, and other times its not. Be very wary of crossing it when water is flowing, as its a recipe for a sunken vehicle. They don’t call it quick sand for nothing.

This 4WD beach often has a lot of seaweed on it, which can be problematic. If its just a thin layer you’ll be fine, but anything thicker than a few hundred millimetres is asking for issues, as it can sink very quickly and has a habit of wrapping around tail shafts (don’t ask how I know!). Avoid the seaweed if possible, and if you have to drive over it, do so cautiously!

You can exit north of the river, through a tight and scrubby track that takes you back onto the main bitumen road in between Jurien Bay and Cervantes

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Enjoying Hill River

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Hill River beach soft

Port Gregory to Lucky Bay (513km NW of Perth)

For those who are a little more adventurous, you can also head north of Port Gregory along the beach/inland, eventually popping out on the beach at Lucky Bay Kalbarri. You really want to go with other 4WD’s, and have good mapping systems to be sure of where you are heading, as its easy to come unstuck here.

Depending on rainfall you can be driving through a fair bit of soft, sloppy mud too, and the beach requires low tyre pressures. This 4WD track should be done with a second vehicle as a minimum, along with all the normal recovery gear and low tyre pressures.

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Port Gregory to Wagoe

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Lucky Bay Kalbarri 4WD

Hutt River to Port Gregory (506km NW of Perth)

After spending Easter at Lynton Station, we did a small 4WD track from Hutt River to Port Gregory. You can do this in either direction, with the start or end point being the main beach at Port Gregory. Be aware that the tides are very important here, as there is a big long sweeping section that you will get a wet 4WD on if you go when the tide is up. Don’t ask me how I know!

This part of the beach is a quick run and should take no more than 20 minutes if the tide is good. If its not, don’t push your luck; just turn around and exit the way you came in. If you want another sneaky 4WD track, near the jetty you can head up the sandy track inland, which takes you up a fun little 4WD track with a few steep hill climbs, along the edge of the incredible pink lake and back into Port Gregory.

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You'd never stop beach driving

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Hutt River pink sand

Murchison House Station (574km NW of Perth)

Everyone knows of Kalbarri. What most people don’t know though, is there’s a massive station on the other side of the town that is 4WD accessible, and you have access to the whole property if you pay the entry fee. There are more 4WD tracks than you’d explore in a week here; from inland rocky tracks following the river to coastal sand dunes and beach driving.

Camping options are enormous, with more places to set your tent, camper trailer or caravan up than I could ever describe. If you want to know more have a read of Murchison House Station Kalbarri.

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$50 per vehicle at Murchison House

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Murchison House coast

Steep Point (879km N of Perth)

If you want to see the western most point of WA mainland, you must head to Steep Point. Also located in the Shark Bay region, this track starts off bitumen, then turns to gravel, then nasty corrugations, then sand/limestone for the rest of the trip. It’s a decent drive in, so you are worth while staying a night or two, but camp sites are hugely popular and need to be pre-booked. Steep Point is fantastic for those who love fishing, but also for families who just want to chill on Shelter Bay beach.

There are lots of 4WD tracks around the area that go to False Entrance, the blow holes, Crayfish Bay and out to Steep Point itself. If you want to know more, check out Steep Point.

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Steep Point 4WD Track

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Steep Point 4WD track

Dirk Hartog Island (890km N of Perth)

Just a kilometre or so off Steep Point lies Dirk Hartog Island. This is extremely isolated in terms of other people (limited number on the island at any time) with almost no facilities except for the main homestead. Camping is booked in advance, and you need to put your 4WD on a ferry to get across. The island is huge, and takes a good 8 – 10 hours to drive all the way around, with lots of 4WD tracks going to different nooks and crannies. The tracks are sandy/rocky with the occasional dune to cross.

The 4WD tracks are fairly tame, albeit rough and slow in many sections. Some of the sand is very soft, but the views you’ll see and opportunities for fishing and camping are some of the best you’ll ever see in Australia. If you want more information, have a read of Dirk Hartog Island; a 4WD, camping and fishing paradise.

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Cape Inscription at DHI

Francois Peron to the tip (832km N of Perth)

If you haven’t seen red sand before, the area north of Shark bay will blow your mind. Francois Peron National Park is located north of Denham and Monkey Mia, and is a truly amazing place to visit. It’s 4WD access only, has fantastic camp sites and some of the best views you’ll find anywhere. The 4WD track starts off at the old homestead (where there’s an amazing artesian hot spa to enjoy!) and heads right the way to the tip – Peron Point.

There are lots of camp grounds run by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and they are all extremely well managed. The Shark Bay Francois Peron area is one of my favourites in WA. The 4WD tracks are mainly sand, and can have big ups and downs in them or just lots of corrugations depending on the condition. Let your tyres down to just above beach driving pressure and tick along slowly. There’s lots of tracks to explore. Keen to know more? Check out Francois Peron National Park.

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Homestead Francois Peron

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Francois National Park 4x4

Oyster Bridge, Coral Bay (1122km N of Perth)

Despite being a tourist mecca, Coral bay is still a favourite of ours, simply because there’s so much to do (and Ningaloo Reef is unbelievable). You can head north and south by 4WD, and see some epic beaches, or get access to the Ningaloo Reef metres from the shore. Whilst the main reef at Coral Bay is spectacular, if you head out of Coral Bay and then turn north, you’ll get to Oyster Bridge which is a fantastic place for a snorkel and to spend the day.

To find it, head to the dive store and ask for a map. You will have to let your tyres down, or you will get stuck! The track is solid and corrugated to start with, and ends up as soft sand up and down dunes. Sometimes you can make it onto the beach at Oyster Bridge, and other times you have to park up on top of the sand dune. There are lots of other great 4WD tracks further north, and down around 5 finger reef and further south.

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Oyster Bridge at Coral Bay

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Oyster Bridge Coral Bay

Ningaloo Station to Yardie Creek (1180km N of Perth)

The Ningaloo Reef is a world class attraction, and there are a number of places you can go to experience it. Ningaloo Station is pretty much smack bang in the middle, and has access to a huge length of the reef. You can actually drive your 4WD in all the way through Ningaloo Station to Exmouth, via Yardie Creek (as long as its not flowing!).

Camping at Ningaloo Station is extremely popular (for now – a big court case is going on that may change this!) and its well worth spending a few nights. A lot of grey nomads camp here for months at a time over winter.

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Ningaloo station camping

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Yardie Creek at Exmouth

Kalgan’s Pool (1200km NE of Perth)

One of the more unique 4WD tracks in WA is the track out to Kalgan’s Pool. Pay a gold coin at the Newman visitor centre, sign the instructions and get your map, then head out of Newman. This track starts off as dirt, then goes to corrugated dirt/gravel and ends up as rocky sections full of water. You are literally driving down what seems to be a river for the last part of the track, and there are times where you can’t see the exits. The ground is solid so you’ll never have a problem with getting stuck, but a snorkel is a wise move.

The water over the tracks is from mines in the area pumping it out. It’s clean, freezing cold and a lot of fun to drive through. To find out more, read the full post at Kalgans Pool.

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Kalgans Pool drive in

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Kalgans Pool 4WD Track

Exmouth Gulf to Wapet Creek (1236km N of Perth)

Exmouth is an amazing place, with lots to see and do. Not too many people explore the gulf though, which is a great place to look out. You can get onto the beach on the west side of the gulf, and head south until you hit Wapet Creek. It’s pretty normal beach driving with the beach being fairly narrow, and the fishing at Wapet Creek absolutely amazing.

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Exmouth Gulf to Wapet Creek

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Wapet Creek

Mount Nameless (1463km N of Perth)

Tom Price is an interesting town, and has a small, short and super steep 4WD track to the top of a great lookout – Mount Nameless. It’s just a few minutes out of town, and as a result you can see the whole town and the mine site along with some spectacular views the other way. The rocks can be sharp, and the track does get chopped out badly at times but it is also maintained, so it depends on when you visit as to how challenging it is. You can find out more at A drive up Mt Nameless.

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4wd track Mount Namless

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Mount Nameless 4WD Track

Gibb River Road (2372km NE of Perth)

The Gibb River Road is a 660km gravel road running from near Derby to Kununurra through some of the most beautiful parts on the planet; the Kimberley. If you do most of the attractions along the road, it will turn into a 1000 – 2000km journey that spans a couple of weeks or more. This track is extremely well travelled, but is closed during the wet season due to it either being impassable, or not without major track damage.

Over the years its been better and better maintained, with most water crossings now having bitumen bottoms and regular grading occurring. It is the adventure of a lifetime, and I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t really enjoy the Kimberley. There are more amazing camp grounds and water holes to explore than you can poke a stick at! If you want to know more about the Kimberley, have a read of this – The Ultimate guide to the Kimberley.

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Gibb River Road

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Gibb River Road camping

4WD track to Mt Elizabeth gorge (2739km NE of Perth)

There’s a few great 4WD tracks in the Kimberley, and the 4WD Track to Wunamurra Gorge on Mount Elizabeth station is a cracker. It’s only short, but its tight, rocky and lumpy. You’ll want to let some air out of your tyres, and crawl along nice and slowly. The last section is a nice, rocky descent (or hill climb on the way back up) that requires a bit more clearance and care. If you aren’t confident, you can park up the top and walk down. The reward of this track is a truly amazing gorge to swim in and relax at.

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4WD track at Mt Elizabeth

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Wunamurra gorge at Mt Elizabeth

Old Halls Creek Road (3178km NE of Perth)

Kununurra has a few 4WD tracks to explore as well, which is great as the scenery in the area is out of this world. One of the more well known 4WD tracks starts on the way to Wyndham, and comes out on Parry Creek road. This 4WD track is not difficult at all, but has a few sharp rocks and its much more enjoyable if you let some air out.

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More 4WD tracks

Saddleback Ridge (3212 NE of Perth)

In terms of picturesque 4WD tracks, Saddleback Ridge at El Questro might just take the cake. Only a few minutes from the El Questro township, this 4WD track takes about 15 minutes to drive up, and is steep, stunning and lots of fun. Low range is a must, with your tyre pressures down and just take it slow. If its been busy I’ve seen this track pretty messed up, with some care required not to scrape anything on the bottom of your vehicle. However, it does get maintained and I’ve also been up there when its basically just a very steep gravel road.

The views are fantastic, and well worth the effort to get up there. On the way back down, let your motor do the work; lock it in first or second low and just crawl your way back down. Limit the use of your brakes, or you may find you have none when you need them. To find out more, check out El Questro; is it worth the visit?

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Saddleback Ridge El Questro

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El Questro lookouts

Old road to Wyndham (3224km NE of Perth)

Wyndham is an interesting town, and there’s a few ways in. If you are adventurous, there’s a 4WD track that starts at the end of Parry Creek Road (another great gravel track starting at Ivanhoe Crossing) and works its way into the back of Wyndham. This track is barren, desolate and tight in spots, passing around a couple of salty/marsh areas, winding its way through rocks and eventually popping out on a gravel road at the back of Wyndham.

It’s a pretty barren looking area like nothing I’ve ever done before, but interesting and feels extremely remote. Given how overgrown it was I would say it probably doesn’t get done too often!

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Wyndham 4WD Track

Other notable mentions:

Gunbarrel Highway

The Gunbarrel highway is a 1400km ‘road’ running from Wiluna in WA to Yulara in the NT. The track is remote desert and has some stunning views. You need to be extremely well prepared as this is literally in the middle of no where.

Canning Stock Route or CSR (1300km NE of Perth)

The CSR is one of Australia’s most well known 4WD tracks, starting near Wiluna and ending near Halls Creek. Its total length is around 1850km with extremely limited opportunities for fuel and supplies, making it a significant challenge. 4WD’s that head to the CSR are usually extremely well set up to handle the endless corrugations and sand dunes along with remote travel.

Munji Track (2739km NE of Perth)

The Munji track starts at Mount Elizabeth Station, and works its way through Bachsten Bush Camp and out to Walcott Inlet. This track is remote, difficult and requires a high clearance 4WD that is well set up. Permits and a key is required; speak to Mt Elizabeth Station for more information.

Carson River Track/Oombullgurri (3244km NE of Perth)

If you want to get off the beaten track in the Kimberley, the Oombullgurri track is about as far remote as you can get. This can only be done on a tour with Just over the Hills or Explore WA 4WD adventures, but covers some of the best Kimberley country there is to offer. It’s 400km long, and in the middle of no where with pristine swimming holes, untouched fishing and great 4WDing.

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Carson River 4WD Track

Anne Beadell (1000km E of Perth)

The Anne Beadell Highway is a 1300km 4WD track/gravel road from Coober Pedy in South Australia to Laverton.

Mundal Track (35km E of Perth

Lastly, the newest 4WD track to WA; the Mundal. This starts in Mundaring and winds up in Albany. Utilising existing tracks, this has been logged by the WA 4WD association and is free to travel.

New Goldfields 4WD track

At the Perth 4WD and adventure show in 2019, another new 4WD track is being opened, using the same principle as the Mundal one. It will run from Albany to Kalgoorlie, covering some incredible places. Keep your eyes peeled for more information!

That’s a wrap!

That’s it! 33 epic 4WD tracks spread throughout WA, giving you access to some of the most beautiful parts of the country, or pushing your skills and vehicle to the limit.

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