
Are you really OK?

This is not your usual 4X4 post, but I felt that this is a question that we really need to be asking ourselves and our friends and loved ones right now. A large majority of …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Aug 12 2021

Aug 12 2021

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This is not your usual 4X4 post, but I felt that this is a question that we really need to be asking ourselves and our friends and loved ones right now. A large majority of the country’s population is currently in lockdown, and even if you are not locked down, your travel options are limited.

It is something that I could never have imagined, but now have to live with. While some are luck enough to be able to work from home, that is not the case for everyone, and many are facing financial and other challenges as a result.

The point I’m trying to make here is that a lot of people are doing it extra tough right now, and the isolation doesn’t help. My Grandmother recently had surgery for a growth and was stuck in hospital with no-one allowed to visit or support her. Just today she got bad news in relation to some test results, and she is all alone, with no-one to be able to hold her hand or even just give her a hug. There are essential workers who have to be away from loved ones due to the nature of their work and risk of infection, and many others who are effectively alone all of the time.

The best thing we can all do is make a concerted effort to look out for one another, and show patience and courtesy to everyone we interact with. You’ll make a huge difference to the mental health of family and friends just by picking up the phone and making the effort to connect!

If you yourself are in a bit of a rut right now, or you know someone who is, there are ways to get help too. If finances are challenging you, there are a range of support measures available through Government means (just google ‘financial assistance COVID’ and don’t forget to check at Federal and State Government levels).

Banks, and other organisations are working to defer loan payments etc to help if required. Even here at Club 4X4 we have processes to support those in financial difficulty. The key is to ask if you need help. Our team are always happy to have a yarn, and they can provide assistance in managing through this time.

If what is troubling you is more related to your mental health (although financial pressure can also affect this), there are a range of resources available. A really great one is which can assist you to determine whether you might need some help, offers great resources to learn about mental health, and even provides simple strategies and tips you can use to manage your own mental health. It can also help put you in touch with someone if you need help.

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Additionally, though, the following are some great resources if you, or someone you know needs help:

  • The mental health line – 1800 011 511
  • Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
  • Lifeline 13 11 14

While all of this is incredibly challenging and anxiety invoking, there is a silver lining if we look for it. Personally, I’ve spent a lot more time at home with my family than I usually would, which really is a blessing. I’ve taken more of an opportunity to just stop and exist in our back garden, taking in the feeling of the sun on my face, or observing insects go about their business. I guess I’m stopping to smell the roses a little more.

If you are lucky enough to be out on the road ‘living the dream’ right now, send us a story and some photos with what you are doing so we can live vicariously through you and ‘dream’ about our own adventures at the end of all this.

Most importantly, stay safe and look after yourselves and each other.


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Club 4X4 Insurance