
Changes to Club 4X4 Roadside Assistance

There are two great things I love about Club 4X4. One is that there is a passion and enthusiasm for off-roading and everything that comes with it, from the General Manager down to staff on …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Sep 02 2021

Sep 02 2021

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There are two great things I love about Club 4X4. One is that there is a passion and enthusiasm for off-roading and everything that comes with it, from the General Manager down to staff on the phones and everyone in-between. We love the off-roading lifestyle ourselves, and that means we understand the needs of four wheel drivers better than anyone else.

The second great thing is that as a business, we don’t stand still. From the very beginning, we’ve sought to shake things up, do things differently, and continually improve. And that is as important today as it was when the business started.

For both of these reasons, I’m very excited to announce a huge change to our Roadside Assistance offering, designed to help if you breakdown or have another issue on a sealed road. We’ve spent the best part of the last 18 months collating customer feedback and designing our new and improved offering.

We heard that the towing distance covered wasn’t enough. We heard that you wanted a higher GVM limit on your 4X4 covered. We heard that you wanted to have your van or trailer covered for the tow if your 4X4 breaks down.

Today, our new Roadside Plus product launches. This new product replaces the existing Roadside Assist with many enhanced features. Roadside Plus will tow you up to 150km to the nearest repairer in the event you need a tow, tripling the maximum tow distance covered. We’ve also increased the GVM limit to 4500KG, and our new policy will include towing of a trailer up to 4T as well – you just need to advise the operator of the trailer when you first call (so the right towing appliance can be dispatched).

That’s not all – there are other changes and improvements too. Please see the list below for details.

ItemCurrent RoadsideNew RoadsideWeight Capacity3.5T GVM4.5T GVMMax Towing Distance50km150km, to the nearest repairerInclude Trailer towing (if car needs assistance)Not formallyYes – up to 4T trailer if advised at the time of request for helpLocked Keys benefitUp to 77.00Up to $250.00Out of FuelUp to 5LUp to 10L provided, or tow to nearest service station at discretion of providerBattery jump startYesYesFlat Tyre assistanceYesYes

Coupled with our Off-road Recovery Cover, we now offer our customers the ability to manage the financial impact of having to get a vehicle recovered on or off-road anywhere in Australia. It really helps us offer the complete package to 4X4 Enthusiasts all around the country.

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Roadside Plus is available from today for any new policies purchased, and existing customers will be migrated over to the new product on renewal. The good news is that if you are an existing customer and are interested in upgrading mid-term, we can facilitate that too on a pro-rata basis.

The new Roadside Plus product will be available for a retail price of $144.95 P.A, which offers strong value given the increase in coverage offered.

As always, we welcome your feedback on these things. We’re also not even close to done on updates and improvements to our offerings – we’re just getting started, so watch this space.

For more details, including our Roadside Assistance Terms and Conditions, visit



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Club 4X4 Insurance