
Club 4X4 Staff Profile – Karlie

This week we talk to another of our call centre sales staff – Karlie First car? – My first car was a little 96 Ford Festiva, went great until it was loaded with mates, let’s …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Feb 24 2017

Feb 24 2017

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This week we talk to another of our call centre sales staff – Karlie

  • First car? – My first car was a little 96 Ford Festiva, went great until it was loaded with mates, let’s just say that was the end of that!
  • First camping experience? – I camped a lot growing up it was a weekend ritual. My brother and I along with some of the neighbourhood kids all had motor bikes I remember we would ride our push bikes down to the servo fill up a 5lt can of fuel each buy some lollies head back home load up with the swag some sausages and whatever we could fit into out back packs, head down to the creek on our motor bikes. From fireworks to poorly built camp fires tracking through the bush setting up tree houses playing in abandoned train carriages. We used to get up to all sorts down there.
  • What do you drive now? Now I own a 2001 Toyota Hilux SR5
  • What’s it got on it? Too be honest it’s a little standard at the moment, I’ve only fitted roof racks, side steps and a little lift.
  • What is your favourite mod? It’s hard to choose but I would go with the lift for now. I like being high up and able to see what’s going on up ahead.
  • What is your favourite track/drive/campsite? – I would have to say anywhere in the Paluma Range There is always fresh water (after the wet season) to swim/rapids and good hiking tracks.
  • What are your future for your setup? I’m fairly basic when it comes to mods and accessories When I do head out for a drive or camp, as long as I have my camp oven, table and chairs, and some shelter I’m happy. Although I am considering a roof top tent and a generator.

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Club 4X4 Insurance