
Cooking: Camp Fried Chicken

Wet Rub Zip Lock Bag Thyme Cumin Teaspoon Garlic Powder 1 tsp Onion Salt 2 tsp, Smoked Paprika Corriander Ground Juice of 1 Lemon Meat Chicken Pieces (Drumsticks, Wings) Other Plain Flour Method: Get your …

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Aug 23 2017

Aug 23 2017

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Wet Rub

Zip Lock Bag Thyme Cumin Teaspoon Garlic Powder 1 tsp Onion Salt 2 tsp, Smoked Paprika Corriander Ground Juice of 1 Lemon


Chicken Pieces (Drumsticks, Wings)


Plain Flour


Get your chicken out of the fridge at least 15 minutes before cooking.

Make up your wet rub in a Zip lock bag and the coat your chicken in the spices. Let the chicken rest with the wet rub to infuse the flavours.

Heat up your oil on the OzPig. Test it with a sprig of Thyme, you want to see it bubble.

Transfer the chicken from the wet rub through a rub of flour to coat the chicken and then place them one by one in the oil. Keep them moving around until they are golden brown and then take out.

This article was originally Off-Road Adventure Show.

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