Lifestyle Insurance Group|
Who is Lifestyle Insurance Group?
Lifestyle Insurance Group ( ABN 48 057 816 172, AFS Licence No. 246937) has developed and distributed specialist adventure lifestyle insurance products for over 20 years. Lifestyle Insurance Group has been provided with a binding authority by the Insurer and has delegated that authority, with the approval of the Insurer, to Club 4X4 to perform the activities noted on the About us page. Lifestyle Insurance Group acts as the agent of the Insurer in all matters relating to the insurance. Lifestyle Insurance Group authorises Club 4X4 under its Australian financial services licence. For more details see the Financial Services Guide at the end of this document.
Complaints/Dispute Resolution
We want to resolve any complaint you have as quickly as possible. If you are dissatisfied with our service in any way, contact us and we will attempt to resolve the matter in accordance with our internal dispute resolution procedures.
Our three step complaint and dispute resolution process is outlined below, for further detail please refer to the Complaint Resolution Process Document available at the bottom of this page.
Step 1
Contact us on 1300 489 485 and tell us about your complaint.
Step 2
If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within 24 hours, contact our Complaints Officer on 1300 489 485, or put your complaint in writing and forward to:.
Complaints Officer
Lifestyle Insurance Group Pty Ltd
PO Box 1118, Maroochydore, QLD 4558
We will treat your complaint as a dispute following the process outlined in the Complaint Resolution Process Document.
Step 3
Seek an external review of the decision.
If you are not happy with the decision or we have not reached a resolution within 30 days you may seek an external review. We will provide you with information on external review options such as referral to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), subject to its Rules.
AFCA provides a free and independent dispute resolution service for consumers who have general insurance disputes falling within its terms and its contact details are:
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001