
Why We Love 4WD Clubs

It’s no surprise that we have Club in our name. We hope by now, that when people think of us, they realize that we don’t operate like other standard insurers do. We possess a product …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Sep 11 2018

Sep 11 2018

Club 4x4 Image

It’s no surprise that we have Club in our name. We hope by now, that when people think of us, they realize that we don’t operate like other standard insurers do. We possess a product with benefits that are truly tailored to the off-road touring enthusiast and are not replicable at any other insurance provider. We do so because our company vision is to protect the lifestyle of the 4WD enthusiast and we want to be the insurer of choice for this special group of Aussies.

But there are other entities around the country with the same aims; to service us and provide assistance and a space for 4wders of every persuasion and level of experience to be part of a community. These entities are 4WD clubs and there are hundreds of them dotted about, right around the country.

We love 4WD Clubs. We love them because they value the same things that we do; promoting a love of this fantastic hobby but doing it with care and responsibility. 4WD club’s provide all new members with a level of training (not always accredited or recognised) but provide a very important first step which every new member must undertake before they can go along on club trips. This means a brush up for some and totally new skills for others, but ultimately it sets the scene for acceptable behaviour when out on club trips.

Once you’ve been through this process, which is often a weekend away with like minded folks (and a trip in itself), there will be a great list of trips you can tag along on. For some of us, having to think less about the destination and just focusing on getting ready and being at the rendezvous point makes it much easier to actually get out and enjoy. With a designated trip leader and controlled convoy sizes, it creates an opportunity to get to know your new buddies, your vehicle and see some amazing spots with some great company that can help you out if you run into any trouble. Regular monthly meetings mean you have an opportunity to socialise and even learn something new from a guest speaker.

All of this comes at what is usually quite a menial cost for what you get.

By supporting these clubs you also help to support the associations that look after the clubs at a state and national level. Far from just being caretakers, these dedicated volunteers do fantastic work in lobbying government and other state and national bodies by actively campaigning for our rights while promoting responsible behaviour amongst the clubs within their jurisdiction.

We’ve been lucky enough to create some fantastic connections with clubs across the country. Where we have partnered with them, their members enjoy a preferential rate of 5% off every policy they purchase with Club 4X4. Further to this, we can arrange members of our team to attend meetings to talk about the product and even some sponsorship for events and advertising in club literature.

If you think your club would benefit from any of the above, please send an email through to with your details and we will make contact to discuss further.

In the meantime if you want to find a club that may meet your needs, jump on the appropriate state association website below where you can find a list of affiliated clubs








Get involved, you won’t regret it!

Kalen Ziflian

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Club 4X4 Insurance