
Recipe: Cous Cous

Article from: RV Daily Cous cous can be flavoured in many ways and is both tasty and filling Serves: 4 as a side dish; Time: 10 minutes INGREDIENTS 1 cup cous cous 1 cup boiling …

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Club 4X4 Insurance
Jul 02 2019

Jul 02 2019

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Article from: RV Daily

Cous cous can be flavoured in many ways and is both tasty and filling

Serves: 4 as a side dish; Time: 10 minutes


1 cup cous cous 1 cup boiling water 1 chicken or beef stock cube (depends on what you are serving it with) 1 rounded teaspoon of finely chopped onion 6 finely sliced sundried tomato halves (leave them nice and oily) ½ teaspoon garlic powder or garlic salt 6 roasted macadamia nuts Pinch of sweet paprika Pinch of finely sliced chives Butter Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)


Melt a large knob of butter in a pan and cook the onion, garlic powder, paprika and sundried tomatoes over medium heat until the onion has softened. Remove from the heat.

Slice the macadamias thinly with a sharp knife (they will shave off and splinter like parmesan cheese) and add to the mix in the pan. Dissolve the stock cube in the boiling water.

Add the dry cous cous to the pan and stir into the cooked mix.

Pour the boiling stock into the cous cous and stir very well. Cover and leave for 5-10 minutes or until the liquid is completely absorbed. Fluff up the mix with a fork and heat gently if required.

Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and chives if desired.

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