G’day everyone,
This week I’m off to Drive the Vic high country in support of Drive to The Top, a charity event raising money for BaptistCare Hope Street. As a part of this experience, I’ll be sleeping and eating like a homeless person. This means that I’ll sleep with just a few blankets, and I’ll be eating from a pack that has been supplied with a few very basic items.
I’ll be sharing regularly about the trip on our Facebook page so you can see what has been happening. I’ll also be taking the Spot Gen III satellite tracker and recording our movements as part of a review. You can follow these updates by visiting the page here
Why Hope Street?
Hope Street is an organisation that helps some of our most vulnerable people right at the coal face. Rather than try to explain, I thought I’d share the below video which sums up just one of the ways they help, and which is quite topical and relevant at the moment.
Please, get behind this great cause if you can spare a dollar or two – who knows, you might actually win a stack of awesome prizes just for your trouble!
You can still support Hope Street and Win over $7,000 in prizes
The purpose of supporting this charity drive is to generate awareness and raise money for Hope Street. We’ve got an amazing prize pool of over $7,000 which you can win – in fact you get an entry in the draw for every $1 you donate.

I hope you have a great week, and I look forward to sharing updates on the adventure this week on Facebook page!