Issue 050 of Unsealed 4X4 is here, and it’s a big one. To celebrate hitting the half-century, the team at Unsealed 4X4 took a day off work and found snow to drive in, not even three hours from Sydney. They take a closer look at the most modified road-legal Land Rover Defender in the country, and checked out the five best 4WD trips just 100km from Melbourne. You will simply have to check it all out.
Unsealed 4×4 – 50th Special Edition
Issue 050 of Unsealed 4X4 is here, and it’s a big one. To celebrate hitting the half-century, the team at Unsealed 4X4 took a day off work and found snow to drive in, not even …
Club 4X4 Insurance
Jun 05 2018
Jun 05 2018